2021 Global Outlook & the Minsky Risk


10. 03 2021 
18:30 - 20:00


Refe­rent : Ron William 

Ron Wil­liam will out­line a beha­vi­oral tech­ni­cal ana­ly­sis frame­work, enhan­ced by mar­ket timing, as high­ligh­ted by a late-cycle rare exhaus­ti­on pat­tern on the S&P500. This fol­lows war­ning shot over­bought reac­tions fol­lo­wing mul­ti­ple “irra­tio­nal exu­berance” greed sen­ti­ment rea­dings sin­ce August 2020. Most nota­ble was the over­c­row­ding of lar­ge tech­no­lo­gy equi­ty posi­ti­ons in the opti­ons mar­ket, with the put-to-call ratio hit­ting mul­ti­year extre­mes based on line­ar extra­po­la­ti­ons of the “V” shaped reco­very and omni­po­tent cen­tral bank poli­cy. Ron will also dis­cuss timing models, which pre­dic­ted the 2020 pan­de­mic-led crash and now signal fur­ther asym­me­tric risk into 2021.

Ron Wil­liam, CFTe, MSTA

Mar­ket Stra­te­gist | Edu­ca­tor | Per­for­mance Coach

  • Ron is a Mar­ket Stra­te­gist, with +20 years of expe­ri­ence, working for lea­ding eco­no­mic rese­arch & insti­tu­tio­nal firms; pro­du­cing macro rese­arch and tra­ding stra­te­gies. He spe­cia­li­zes in blen­ded, top-down, semi-dis­cre­tio­na­ry ana­ly­sis, dri­ven by cycles, based on the "Road­map" signa­tu­re model of vete­ran tech­ni­ci­an Robin Griffiths.
  • Ron is also a Beha­viou­ral Finan­ce Expert, Tra­ding Psy­cho­lo­gist & Per­for­mance Coach. He uses the latest tech­ni­ques in behavioural/risk assess­ment model­ling, peak-per­for­mance, neuro/body sci­ence and stress respon­se manage­ment (SRM), inclu­ding mindful­ness & cohe­rence trai­ning; sup­port­ed by his mar­ket stra­te­gies. He is a mem­ber of two lea­ding neu­ro­sci­ence groups (ANE & NLI), the Inter­na­tio­nal Coa­ching Fede­ra­ti­on (ICF), and tea­ches a Mas­ter­class in "Appli­ed Beha­viou­ral Sci­ence" at the CFA Singapore.
  • Ron's pri­ma­ry work, as part of his cur­rent insti­tu­tio­nal mar­ket advi­so­ry firm (RWA), acqui­red glo­bal indus­try reco­gni­ti­on with mul­ti­ple Fina­list Awards for "Best Spe­cia­list Research/& FX". His mar­ket insights are also fea­tured regu­lar­ly across lea­ding finan­cial media pro­grams (nota­b­ly, “Min­sky moment” & Vola­ti­li­ty Re-awa­ke­ning) and indus­try publi­ca­ti­ons (2020 Crash: What Next? Gold spike risk into $3k & Defla­ti­on spike risk).
  • Dri­ven by high inte­gri­ty edu­ca­ti­on, Ron ser­ves on the board of the Inter­na­tio­nal Fede­ra­ti­on of Tech­ni­cal Ana­ly­sis (IFTA), Heads the Swiss Asso­cia­ti­on of Mar­ket Tech­ni­ci­an (SAMT) Gen­e­va Chap­ter, and is Hono­ra­ry mem­ber of ESTA. He is a visi­ting pro­fes­sor at lea­ding uni­ver­si­ties, acti­ve guest spea­k­er for the CFA, CAIA, CISI, and seni­or tea­cher at col­leges, offe­ring an accre­di­ted diplo­ma in tra­ding and inves­t­ing. Ron was also pre­vious­ly invi­ted by the House of Com­mons, to join an indus­try gui­dance team, fol­lo­wing the offi­ci­al launch of an All Par­ty Par­lia­men­ta­ry Group (APPG), in Digi­tal Currencies.

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