From technical analysis to algorithmic trading

Phil­ip Kah­ler, gives an intro­duc­tion of how to use the clas­si­cal tools of tech­ni­cal ana­ly­sis to design an auto­ma­tic tra­ding strategy.
This web­i­nar gives an inro­duc­tion to algo­rith­mic tra­ding and isbe the first part of a series of algo-tra­ding semi­nars, given by Phil­ip, fol­lo­wing in 2014.

Phil­ipp Kah­ler, Seni­or quan­ti­ta­ti­ve Ana­lyst, was born in Aus­tria, stu­di­ed elec­tri­cal engi­nee­ring and work­ed as a trader and stra­tegy desi­gner for the prop tra­ding depart­ment of a lar­ge Ger­man bank. He now is trai­ning insti­tu­tio­nal trad­ers on how to design and test auto­ma­tic tra­ding strategies.