IFTA: An Introduction to Harmonic Patterns

About the Presentation
Scott Car­ney, crea­tor of the Har­mo­nic Tra­ding approach, will pre­sent a tho­rough intro­duc­tion regar­ding the ori­gin of har­mo­nic pat­terns. In this pre­sen­ta­ti­on, Scott will explain the evo­lu­ti­on of struc­tu­ral pat­tern ana­ly­sis and the foun­da­ti­on of har­mo­nic mea­su­re­ments in the finan­cial mar­kets. Buil­ding upon the foun­da­ti­on estab­lished by the foref­a­thers of Tech­ni­cal Ana­ly­sis, har­mo­nic pat­terns incor­po­ra­te powerful natu­ral rati­os and struc­tu­ral mea­su­re­ments to defi­ne remar­kab­le oppor­tu­ni­ties. Fur­ther­mo­re, Scott will show num­e­rous examp­les of the­se phe­no­me­na and explain their signi­fi­can­ce within the body of know­ledge that com­pri­ses Tech­ni­cal Analysis.

About the Presenter
Scott Car­ney, Pre­si­dent and Foun­der of HarmonicTrader.com, crea­ted the har­mo­nic pat­terns that com­pri­se the Har­mo­nic Tra­ding approach. Har­mo­nic pat­terns such as the Bat pat­tern, the Gart­ley pat­tern, the 5-0, the Shark, the Crab pat­tern and many other pro­prie­ta­ry stra­te­gies are now wide­ly embra­ced throug­hout the tra­ding world.  Scott Car­ney has been reco­gni­zed as a pio­neer of Tech­ni­cal Ana­ly­sis crea­ting num­e­rous other con­cepts that defi­ne Har­mo­nic Tra­ding inclu­ding the Poten­ti­al Rever­sal Zone, the Alter­na­te AB = CD pat­terns, the per­fect har­mo­nic pat­tern ali­gnments, RSI BAMM, the har­mo­nic impul­se struc­tures, the 88.6%&1.13% ratio, and many others.  Aut­hor of four books,  "The Har­mo­nic Trader" (1998), "Har­mo­nic Tra­ding: Volu­me One" (2004), "Har­mo­nic Tra­ding: Volu­me Two" (2007) (Repu­blished by Finan­cial Times Press 2010), and Har­mo­nic Tra­ding: Volu­me Three (Har­mo­nic Trader Press 2016).  He laun­ched the first-ever har­mo­nic pat­tern soft­ware, The Har­mo­nic Ana­ly­zer and now offers the For­ma­ti­onS­ee­ker and Har­mo­nic Pat­tern Coll­ec­tion pro­grams. As a for­mer Regis­tered Invest­ment Advi­sor, Scott suc­cessful­ly pas­sed the Series 7, 63 & 65 (66 com­bi­ned) secu­ri­ties exams.  Scott is a full-mem­ber of the Mar­ket Tech­ni­ci­ans Asso­cia­ti­on and the Ame­ri­can Asso­cia­ti­on of Pro­fes­sio­nal Tech­ni­cal Ana­lysts (AAPTA).

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