IFTA: High Probability Day Trading

Fol­lo­wing an 18 year care­er in pro­fes­sio­nal foot­ball, Lee Sand­ford has traded for near­ly  20 years (full time 13 years) and ear­ns his living pre­do­mi­nant­ly as a trader.

Lee estab­lished Tra­ding Col­lege in 2009 in respon­se to demand from other trad­ers wis­hing to obser­ve him live trading.

Now a Cer­ti­fied Finan­cial Tech­ni­ci­an (CFTe), Mem­ber of the Socie­ty of Tech­ni­cal Ana­lysts (MSTA), and best­sel­ling aut­hor, Lee acts as men­tor and coach to Tra­ding Col­lege stu­dents and tru­ly belie­ves, with the right sup­port and gui­dance, anyo­ne can beco­me a pro­fi­ta­ble trader.

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