IFTA2020: Power Hour Team by AATI – Smart trading with technical analysis

Muhammad Alfatih: “Tweaking Indicators:  to enhance its performance”

Muham­mad Alfa­tih is a pro­fes­sio­nal tech­ni­cal ana­lyst for more than 25 years and uses it as an inves­tor, bro­ker, ana­lyst, and coach. He is VP at PT Samu­el Seku­ri­tas Indo­ne­sia. He is a co-foun­der of AATI (Aso­si­a­si Ana­lis Tekni­kal Indo­ne­sia) and his views are also quo­ted by lea­ding news­pa­pers, radio and tele­vi­si­ons sta­ti­ons within Indonesia.

Soeratman Doerachman: “The Musketeers Meet Samurai:Combining easy western and eastern indicators”

Soer­at­man Doer­ach­man start as stock investor/trader at the age of 62.
Foun­der of Indo­ne­si­an Capi­tal Mar­ket  Retail Investor/Trader Com­mu­ni­ty with thou­sands mem­ber sin­ce 2005. Within 15 years act as tutor of thou­sands retail inves­tors and trad­ers using simp­le fun­da­mena­tal and tech­ni­cal ana­ly­sis tools.
Belie­ve that stock inves­t­ing and tra­ding is simple.

Linda Lee: “Intraday Technique: Price Cluster Analysis”

Lin­da Lee is a trader in the Indo­ne­si­an stock mar­ket for 11 years. She is the first and only Indo­ne­si­an woman until now who has CFTe. She is a wri­ter of 5 tech­ni­cal ana­ly­sis book. Her favo­ri­te indi­ca­tor is fibo­nac­ci and the­r­e­fo­re she is known as Fiboprincess.

Hendra Martono Liem: “Multiple Time Frame Trend and Volume Analysis”

Hen­dra Mar­to­no Liem is the CEO and foun­der of Ara Hun­ter Quan­ti­ta­ti­ve Tra­ding Sys­tem with  23 years of expe­ri­ence in tech­ni­cal tra­ding. His tech­ni­que is simp­le and uni­que “Three Green Pixels Buy and Tree Red Pixels Sell” inspi­res him to deve­lop appli­ca­ti­on T1ARA and T1ARA 2.0   that hel­ped more than 10.000 users vary from 6 years old until 81 years old trader.

Angelo Michel & Aria Santoso:“Market Volume Analysis to Locate Demand Power & Selling Pressure”

Ange­lo Michel is a trader in the stock mar­kets for over 23 years. Sin­ce 1993 he is a resel­ler of MetaStock soft­ware in Indo­ne­sia and has known tech­ni­cal ana­ly­sis sin­ce then. In addi­ti­on to tech­ni­cal ana­ly­sis, his favo­ri­te inte­rests is volu­me ana­ly­sis to read smart money and deve­lo­ping algo­rith­mic tra­ding sys­tems.

Aria San­to­so is a stock spe­cu­la­tor, ana­lyst, and edu­ca­tor. His approach is a sim­pli­ci­ty to be appli­ed in a prac­ti­cal way to assist the lay­men. He’s fea­tured in seve­ral tele­vi­si­on chan­nels such as CNBC Indo­ne­sia and many prin­ted media for his view about the Indo­ne­sia market.

Indrawijaya Rangkuti: “Market Mood: Place & Time Synchronized”

Indra­wi­ja­ya is an Inde­pen­dent Finan­cial Trader and Ana­lyst for more than 10 years, in the Com­mo­di­ties and For­eign Exch­an­ge mar­ket.
He Inspi­red by WD Gann Method & tech­ni­que and sim­pli­fied it for ana­ly­sis and trading.

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