IFTA2020: Spot market trends with Heikin Ashi

It’s not neces­s­a­ri­ly rocket sci­ence to ana­ly­ze mar­kets and pre­dict future pri­ces. Did you know Hei­kin Ashi? The­se cand­les are an excel­lent tool hel­ping inves­tors to try to cap­tu­re pri­ce rever­sals and reve­al the strength of the cur­rent trend. The pur­po­se of this pre­sen­ta­ti­on will be to deepen your know­ledge and pro­vi­de useful advice on your inter­pre­ta­ti­on. 

  • Defi­ni­ti­on of Hei­kin Ashi
  • Stan­dard ver­si­on vs Smoothed
  • Mul­ti-time­frame approach

Ste­fa­no Gian­ti is Edu­ca­ti­on Mana­ger for Swiss­quo­te Bank, a world lea­der in online trading.

His trai­ning ses­si­ons focus on the cor­rect manage­ment of port­fo­lio risks and maxi­mi­zing pro­fits through the use of CFDs on equi­ty indi­ces, com­mo­di­ties and currencies.

His ana­ly­sis also focu­ses on the Macroe­co­no­mic situa­ti­on of the mar­kets and rela­ted events that could influence them.

He is mem­ber of SIAT (Ita­li­an Socie­ty of Tech­ni­cal Ana­ly­sis). He is hos­ted on weekly basis by CNBC, SKY and RAI tele­vi­si­on and other net­works on the expec­ta­ti­ons and trends of the finan­cial markets.

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