InOutBars SAR

Stanislaus Maier-Paape∗
SMP Financial Engineering GmbH

52134 Her­zo­gen­rath, Wei­her­str. 14, Germany
June 25, 2010

in coope­ra­ti­on with RWTH Aachen, Germany


In this paper, we intro­du­ce InOut­Bars SAR, a stop and rever­se sys­tem based on the con­cept of out­bars and fol­lo­wing inbars.
The sys­tem fol­lows up- and down–movements of an under­ly­ing pri­ce pro­cess with stop and rever­se when the direc­tion of the move­ment is chan­ged. This SAR sys­tem is com­ple­men­ted by the intra–period stop pro­cess Sto­pIn­Out­Bars, which is also based on the idea of out­bars and fol­lo­wing inbars
and thus gives an open posi­ti­on more space to move as long as an out­bar is active.

Com­pre­hen­si­ve tests show that the­se stop pro­ces­ses may be appli­ed suc­cessful­ly when the mar­ket is in move­ment. Com­pared to other stan­dard stops, the per­for­mance is com­pe­ti­ti­ve and often even better.


The con­cept of inbars and out­bars is com­mon­ly used as tra­ding con­cept to gene­ra­te meaningful stops when the pri­ce pro­cess of an under­ly­ing stock is in move­ment (cf. [6]).

For ins­tance, the cand­le stick chart of the pri­ce pro­cess in Figu­re 1 shows a clear up–movement in the first six bars. Each of the­se bars clo­ses at a hig­her level than the who­le ran­ge of the forerun­ner bar. In the seventh bar (17 o’clock) the buy­ing power has not enough strength to again clo­se abo­ve the ran­ge of the sixth bar. Sin­ce the body of the seventh bar stays within the ran­ge of the sixth bar, we call this bar an inbar or more pre­cis­e­ly an initia­li­zing inbar; the forerun­ner bar is cal­led an outbar.

Usual­ly the pri­ce pro­cess, once an out­bar is estab­lished, tends to con­so­li­da­te, i.e. the move­ment of the pri­ce pro­cess is stop­ped for a while and the initia­li­zing inbar is fol­lo­wed by a series of fur­ther inbars with respect to the ear­lier estab­lished acti­ve outbar.
Once a new bar is able to clo­se out­side the ran­ge of the acti­ve out­bar, eit­her the up–movement is con­tin­ued (in case the out­bar is bro­ken on the upper side), or a new down–movement is initia­li­zed (in case the out­bar is bro­ken on the lower side). Of cour­se an up–movement can break down also  instanta­neous­ly wit­hout having estab­lished an out­bar before­hand. Figu­re 2 yields an exam­p­le in terms of the 19 o’clock–bar which clo­ses below the low of the forerunner.