Wyckoff Power Charting - das Webinar wird in englischer Sprache durchgeführt


09. 11 2021 
18:30 - 20:00


Refe­rent : Bruce Fraser, Roman Bogomazov 

Roman and Bruce are emi­nent Wyck­off Method edu­ca­tors. They both have taught gra­dua­te level cour­ses on tech­ni­cal ana­ly­sis and the Wyck­off Method at Gol­den Gate Uni­ver­si­ty in San Fran­cis­co, Cali­for­nia. Each week they con­duct a live Wyck­off Mar­ket Dis­cus­sion (WMD) pro­gram and dis­cuss the finan­cial mar­kets inclu­ding stocks, stock inde­xes, com­mo­di­ties, bonds, and cryp­to. During this web­i­nar Roman and Bruce will begin with a review of Wyck­off Metho­do­lo­gy con­cepts, then con­duct a few case stu­dies. The­re­af­ter they will turn to atten­dee charts for some live appli­ca­ti­on of the Methodology.

Roman Bogo­ma­zov is a trader and edu­ca­tor spe­cia­li­zing in the Wyck­off Method of tra­ding and inves­t­ing, which he has taught for more than ten years as an Adjunct Pro­fes­sor at Gol­den Gate Uni­ver­si­ty and as the prin­ci­pal ins­truc­tor at WyckoffAnalytics.com.   He is the foun­der and Pre­si­dent of Wyck­off Asso­cia­tes, LLC, an enter­pri­se pro­vi­ding online Wyck­off Method edu­ca­ti­on to trad­ers throug­hout the world. Using WyckoffAnalytics.com as a thri­ving tra­ding com­mu­ni­ty plat­form, Roman has deve­lo­ped a com­pre­hen­si­ve edu­ca­tio­nal cur­ri­cu­lum cove­ring basic to advan­ced Wyck­off con­cepts and tech­ni­ques, as well as visu­al pat­tern reco­gni­ti­on and real-time drills to enhan­ce trad­ers’ skills and con­fi­dence. A dedi­ca­ted and pas­sio­na­te Wyck­of­fi­an, he has used the Wyck­off Method exclu­si­ve­ly for his own tra­ding for the last 25 years. Roman has also ser­ved as a Board Mem­ber of the Inter­na­tio­nal Fede­ra­ti­on of Tech­ni­cal Ana­lysts and as past pre­si­dent of the Tech­ni­cal Secu­ri­ties Ana­lysts Asso­cia­ti­on of San Francisco.

Bruce Fraser, an indus­try-lea­ding “Wyck­of­fi­an,” began tea­ching gra­dua­te-level cour­ses at Gol­den Gate Uni­ver­si­ty (GGU) in 1987. Working clo­se­ly with the late Dr. Hen­ry (“Hank”) Pru­den, he deve­lo­ped cur­ri­cu­lum for and taught many cour­ses in GGU’s Tech­ni­cal Mar­ket Ana­ly­sis Gra­dua­te Cer­ti­fi­ca­te Pro­gram, inclu­ding Tech­ni­cal Ana­ly­sis of Secu­ri­ties, Stra­tegy and Imple­men­ta­ti­on, Busi­ness Cycle Ana­ly­sis and the Wyck­off Method. For near­ly three deca­des, he co-taught Wyck­off Method cour­ses with Dr. Pru­den, and has also used this approach to the mar­kets as the foun­da­ti­on of his own tra­ding for over 35 years. Bruce publishes a wide­ly read blog at StockCharts.com, entit­led “Wyck­off Power Char­ting” and co-hosts a popu­lar, online weekly Wyck­off Mar­ket Dis­cus­sion with fel­low Wyck­off expert, Roman Bogomazov.

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