IFTA: Analyzing and Trading Markets Using the Wyckoff Method

Part 1

About the Pre­sen­ta­ti­on - Part 1
Bruce Fraser and Roman Bogo­ma­zov, both natio­nal­ly reco­gni­zed experts who teach the Wyck­off Method of tra­ding and inves­t­ing at the Gol­den Gate Uni­ver­si­ty, will descri­be in detail seve­ral prac­ti­cal tra­ding tools ori­gi­nal­ly deve­lo­ped by Richard D. Wyck­off a cen­tu­ry ago. Many suc­cessful pro­fes­sio­nal and insti­tu­tio­nal trad­ers today rely on Wyckoff’s tim­e­l­ess prin­ci­ples, which were deri­ved from his obser­va­tions of the mar­ket acti­vi­ties of lar­ge ope­ra­tors and legen­da­ry trad­ers, inclu­ding Jes­se Liver­mo­re and James Kee­ne. In an enga­ging inter­ac­ti­ve dia­lo­gue, Bruce and Roman will illus­tra­te how trad­ers can learn to anti­ci­pa­te the future direc­tion of a stock or other secu­ri­ty through ana­ly­sis of:

  • The struc­tu­ral posi­ti­on of the over­all mar­ket and spe­ci­fic equi­ties in rela­ti­on to trends or tra­ding ranges
  • Stock and indus­try com­pa­ra­ti­ve and rela­ti­ve strength
  • Sup­p­ly and demand con­fir­ma­ti­on of direc­tion­al bias

The­se vete­ran ins­truc­tors and trad­ers will also dis­cuss tac­tics that one can use in dif­fe­rent pha­ses of tra­ding ran­ges and trends. Trad­ers of all levels of skill and expe­ri­ence will enjoy and bene­fit from this presentation.

Part 2

About the Pre­sen­ta­ti­on - Part 2
This pre­sen­ta­ti­on is the second in a three-part series on the Wyck­off Method pre­sen­ted by Bruce Fraser and Roman Bogo­ma­zov. In Part 1, they descri­bed seve­ral powerful mar­ket tech­ni­ques ori­gi­nal­ly deve­lo­ped by legen­da­ry ana­lyst and trader Richard D. Wyck­off. In Part 2, Bruce and Roman will pre­sent a detail­ed case stu­dy illus­t­ra­ting how to ana­ly­ze charts bar-by-bar as they unfold over time, using fun­da­men­tal tools of the Wyck­off tech­ni­ci­an. They will focus spe­ci­fi­cal­ly on: (i) Struc­tu­ral Pri­ce Ana­ly­sis and Sup­p­ly and Demand Ana­ly­sis (also known as Volu­me Pri­ce Ana­ly­sis), (ii) how com­bi­ning the­se two ana­ly­ti­cal approa­ches can unveil excel­lent, high-pro­ba­bi­li­ty tra­ding oppor­tu­ni­ties, and (iii) tra­ding tac­tics to con­sider when the­se oppor­tu­ni­ties (both ent­ries and exits) arise.

This in-depth case stu­dy will demons­tra­te how Struc­tu­ral Pri­ce Ana­ly­sis used in con­junc­tion with Sup­p­ly and Demand Ana­ly­sis can help trad­ers effec­tively anti­ci­pa­te a stock’s future pri­ce direc­tion, both short- and lon­ger-term. Trad­ers of all levels of skill and expe­ri­ence will enjoy and bene­fit from this presentation.

Part 3

Note: The first 9 minu­tes of the video are not available. We apo­lo­gi­ze for the inconvenience. 

About the Pre­sen­ta­ti­on -Part 3
This is the final ses­si­on in a three-part series on the Wyck­off Method pre­sen­ted by Bruce Fraser and Roman Bogo­ma­zov. Pre­vious­ly they descri­bed basic mar­ket ana­ly­ti­cal and tra­ding prac­ti­ces deve­lo­ped by legen­da­ry char­tist and trader Richard D. Wyck­off, and illus­tra­ted in a detail­ed case stu­dy how the­se tech­ni­ques can be appli­ed using bar charts.

During this pre­sen­ta­ti­on, Bruce and Roman will demons­tra­te how to:

  • Con­s­truct a Wyck­off-style P&F chart;
  • App­ly Wyck­off P&F count gui­de­lines to esti­ma­te pri­ce tar­gets and reward/risk rati­os of poten­ti­al trades;
  • Ana­ly­ze pha­ses on P&F charts to pre­dict short- and lon­ger-term pri­ce objectives;
  • Time ent­ries to coin­ci­de with a stock’s rea­di­ness to move out of a tra­ding range;
  • Use “step­ping stone” con­so­li­da­ti­ons to con­firm pri­ce tar­gets and iden­ti­fy when a pri­or trend will resu­me; and
  • Com­bi­ne P&F and bar chart ana­ly­sis to refi­ne trade ent­ries and exits.

The­se appli­ca­ti­ons of P&F charts are uni­que to the Wyck­off Method, and pro­vi­de an excep­tio­nal­ly infor­ma­ti­ve com­ple­ment to bar chart ana­ly­sis. Trad­ers of all levels of skill and expe­ri­ence will bene­fit from and enjoy this presentation.

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About the Presenters

Roman Bogo­ma­zov is an inter­na­tio­nal­ly reco­gni­zed expert on the Wyck­off method of tra­ding and inves­t­ing. He is an Adjunct Pro­fes­sor at Gol­den Gate Uni­ver­si­ty (GGU), whe­re he tea­ches the Wyck­off method as well as tra­ding plan deve­lo­p­ment, back-test­ing and tra­ding per­for­mance. He is also a Prin­ci­pal with Wyck­off Asso­cia­tes, LLC, an enter­pri­se dedi­ca­ted to pro­vi­ding online Wyck­off method edu­ca­ti­on to trad­ers throug­hout the world. He pro­vi­des con­sul­ting ser­vices to hedge fund mana­gers and invest­ment advi­sors on tra­ding stra­te­gies and imple­men­ta­ti­on, and also coa­ches indi­vi­du­al and pro­fes­sio­nal trad­ers. His edu­ca­tio­nal back­ground includes a BS (Eco­no­mics and Manage­ment) from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Mary­land and an MS (Finan­ce) as well as a cer­ti­fi­ca­te in Tech­ni­cal Mar­ket Ana­ly­sis from GGU. He has been an acti­ve trader of stocks and futures for twen­ty years.

Roman has recent­ly ser­ved as Pre­si­dent of the Tech­ni­cal Secu­ri­ties Ana­lysts Asso­cia­ti­on San Fran­cis­co, and as a Board Mem­ber of the Inter­na­tio­nal Fede­ra­ti­on of Tech­ni­cal Ana­lysts (IFTA).

Bruce Fraser has been tea­ching gra­dua­te cour­ses in Tech­ni­cal Ana­ly­sis at Gol­den Gate Uni­ver­si­ty sin­ce 1987. Along with Dr. Hank Pru­den, he has deve­lo­ped cur­ri­cu­lum for and taught many of the cour­ses in the Tech­ni­cal Ana­ly­sis Gra­dua­te Cer­ti­fi­ca­te Pro­gram inclu­ding Tech­ni­cal Ana­ly­sis of Secu­ri­ties, Stra­tegy and Imple­men­ta­ti­on, Busi­ness Cycle Ana­ly­sis and the Wyck­off Method.

In 1990 Bruce and Dr. Pru­den crea­ted the first gra­dua­te cour­se devo­ted to the Wyck­off Method. The cour­se has grown to a three semes­ter series. Over the last 26 years many hundreds of stu­dents have taken the­se cour­ses and the popu­lar pro­gram has pro­du­ced num­e­rous legen­da­ry traders.

Bruce has been a devo­ted Wyck­of­fi­an for the past 35 years. In addi­ti­on to using this as his pri­ma­ry Method for tra­ding, he con­ti­nues to enjoy team tea­ching the Wyck­off Cour­ses with Dr. Pru­den. He publishes a wide­ly read and infor­ma­ti­ve blog at StockCharts.com entit­led ‘Wyck­off Power Charting’.


Roman Bogo­ma­zov and Bruce Fraser (“Pre­sen­ters”) are not regis­tered invest­ment advi­sors or bro­ker-dea­lers and do not pur­port to recom­mend or sug­gest which secu­ri­ties indi­vi­du­als should buy or sell. It should not be assu­med that invest­ments in secu­ri­ties, opti­ons, futures, ETFs, com­pa­nies, sec­tors or any other mar­kets iden­ti­fied and descri­bed were, are or will be pro­fi­ta­ble. You under­stand and ack­now­ledge that the­re is an extre­me­ly high degree of finan­cial risk and loss invol­ved in tra­ding secu­ri­ties of any kind. Pre­sen­ters assu­me no respon­si­bi­li­ty or lia­bi­li­ty for your tra­ding and invest­ment results.