IFTA: Crush it With Clouds

Pre­sen­ter: San­kar Shar­ma, Mar­ket Stra­te­gist, Glo­bal Trader & Tra­ding Coach, RiskRewardReturn.com, Lon­don, UK 

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During this online pre­sen­ta­ti­on, you will discover:

1.  How, under five minu­tes, you can spot the fol­lo­wing on any pri­ce chart:

    • Trend and Direction
    • Momen­tum and Strength of Momentum
    • Ent­ries and Exits
    • When to add to a Win­ning Position
    • How To Spot Hid­den Resis­tances and Supports
    • Whe­re To Place Stops

2.  Three maje­s­tic stra­te­gies for mea­su­red returns


San­kar Shar­ma is an inde­pen­dent tech­ni­cal ana­lyst and a mem­ber of the UK Socie­ty of Tech­ni­cal Ana­lysts. He is the CEO of RiskRewardReturn.com and crea­tor of 3R Metho­do­lo­gy™. San­kar helps trad­ers mas­ter the mar­kets and achie­ve con­sis­ten­cy. He is a sought after spea­k­er and aut­hor of the book Stock Tra­ding Made Simp­le. San­kar has a degree in engi­nee­ring and an MBA in finance.