IFTA: Introduction to Swing Trading

Webinar Synopsis

Swing trad­ers are per­fect­ly pla­ced to exploit the short-time pri­ce action in the mar­kets. By using tech­ni­cal ana­ly­sis, charts and trends they iden­ti­fy the three ingre­di­ents every trader is loo­king for; what to buy, in which direc­tion and when. In this one hour inten­si­ve cour­se you’ll learn to love the use of charts and under­stand trends and pri­ce pat­terns to pro­fit from the finan­cial mar­kets. Using our pro­prie­ta­ry tool, the Avra­mis Swing indi­ca­tor you can easi­ly find the trend, plan your ent­ry, mana­ge your risk with stop and pro­fit orders and prepa­re your exit. You’ll also learn to cor­rect­ly ana­ly­se trade direc­tion and the best time to enter the mar­ket using the beau­ty and magic of Fibo­nac­ci num­bers. Based on a sequence of num­bers found in natu­re, Fibo­nac­ci rati­os help you spot trend rever­sals and set your stop and pro­fit orders. By the end of the day, you’ll beco­me fami­li­ar enough with the prin­ci­ples of swing tra­ding and Fibo­nac­ci to enable you to make con­fi­dent and cal­cu­la­ted trades.

By the end of the web­i­nar you’ll be able to:

  • Under­stand how to use the Avra­mis Swing sys­tem to gene­ra­te ent­ry and exit signals
  • Use Fibo­nac­ci retra­ce­ments and pro­jec­tions to pre­dict trend rever­sals and to set stop and pro­fit orders
  • Iden­ti­fy the cor­rect time frame to use
  • Cor­rect­ly iden­ti­fy the trend of any instru­ment (equi­ties, forex, fixed inco­me and derivatives)
About the Presenter

Avra­mis Des­po­tis, CFTe is an enthu­si­a­stic edu­ca­tor, aut­ho­ri­ta­ti­ve voice in pri­ce action tra­ding and inspi­ring per­so­nal coach, Avra­mis Des­po­tis has been immer­sed in the finan­cial mar­kets for over two deca­des. Foun­der and CEO of Trade­pe­dia, he is an expert ins­truc­tor in tech­ni­cal ana­ly­sis, risk manage­ment and beha­vi­oral finan­ce and has men­to­red over 30,000 pri­va­te and insti­tu­tio­nal traders.

Avra­mis always had a pen­chant for know­ledge. After gra­dua­ting with a BSc degree in Eco­no­mics from Uni­ver­si­ty Col­lege Lon­don, he went on to com­ple­te an MSc in Finan­ce and Ban­king from the Athens Uni­ver­si­ty of Eco­no­mics. He is a Cer­ti­fied Finan­cial Tech­ni­ci­an from the Inter­na­tio­nal Fede­ra­ti­on of Tech­ni­cal Ana­lysts, a mem­ber of the Bri­tish Socie­ty of Tech­ni­cal Ana­lysts and is cer­ti­fied from CySec for Port­fo­lio Manage­ment and Own Account Trading.

Roun­ding off his exten­si­ve aca­de­mic know­ledge is a deca­de of expe­ri­ence that Avra­mis acqui­red as an inter­bank trader, during which he gai­ned expo­sure to the for­eign exch­an­ge, fixed inco­me, com­mo­di­ties, equi­ties and deri­va­ti­ves markets.

He is regu­lar­ly cal­led upon by top-tier glo­bal firms to pro­vi­de expert-level trai­ning to their top trad­ers, fund mana­gers and risk asses­sors. Some of his satis­fied cli­ents include Reu­ters, HSBC, Deut­sche Bank, Saxo Bank, Bar­clays Bank Metastock, Inter­arab Cam­bist Asso­cia­ti­on (ICA), The Finan­cial Mar­kets Asso­cia­ti­on (ACI), Kuwait Finan­cial Mar­kets Asso­cia­ti­on, Natio­nal Com­mer­cial Bank, BNP Pari­bas, Socie­te Gene­ra­le, Arab Bank, Emi­ra­tes NBD, Abu Dha­bi Natio­nal Bank, Men­a­corp, Fxpro, Adss, XM.COM and many more.

In the years sin­ce its crea­ti­on Trade­pe­dia, grew rapidly to beco­me one of the lea­ding trai­ning insti­tu­tes in the world. Curr­ent­ly, he heads a team of 20 ins­truc­tors span­ning Latin Ame­ri­ca, Euro­pe, the Midd­le East and Asia pro­vi­ding edu­ca­ti­on, auto­ma­ted soft­ware, mar­ket reports and signals to help pri­va­te and insti­tu­tio­nal trad­ers make sound, well-infor­med decisions.

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