IFTA: Market Profile - Recent Advancements, and Applications …

Market Profile - Recent Advancements, and Applications for Trading
About the Presentation
In this talk Cli­ve will brief­ly intro­du­ce the basics of Mar­ket Pro­fi­le and go on to talk about recent advance­ments inclu­ding Com­po­si­te Pro­files and Auc­tion Mar­ket Theo­ry, whe­re "volu­me at pri­ce" data is col­la­ted to search for low and high volu­me par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on levels that can com­ple­ment more tra­di­tio­nal Sup­port and Resis­tance work and Cand­le­stick charting".
Cli­ve is well respec­ted and fol­lo­wed by the day tra­ding com­mu­ni­ty in the UK and Euro­pe, and will attempt to give an insight into how the­se trad­ers use Mar­ket Pro­fi­le for their dai­ly trading.

About the Presenter
Cli­ve Lam­bert is a board mem­ber of the UK Socie­ty of Tech­ni­cal Ana­lysts (STA) and direc­tor of Futur­esTechs, an Inde­pen­dent Rese­arch House based in the UK. Futur­esTechs was estab­lished in 2000 after Cli­ve had spent 10 years working on the LIFFE Flo­or in Lon­don, whe­re he deve­lo­ped his inte­rest in tra­ding, charts, pri­ce action, and Mar­ket Profile.

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