IFTA: Markets Seen Through the Lens of Technical Analysis

This is the first IFTA web­i­nar with focus on glo­bal finan­cial mar­kets using tech­ni­cal ana­ly­sis as an instru­ment of ana­ly­sis and decis­i­on. More and more Swans of all colors are rea­dy to dis­rupt the finan­cial mar­kets. In the­se times of uncer­tain­ty and fra­gi­li­ty a round­ta­ble dis­cus­sion with IFTA mar­ket and tech­ni­cal ana­lysts is the best way to learn, dia­lo­gue, and get a wide per­spec­ti­ve for the next six months.

Ralf Fayad has been actively tra­ding mar­kets sin­ce mid-nine­ties. Sin­ce 2005, Ralf is the aut­ho­red seve­ral tra­ding news­let­ters on behalf of lar­ge insti­tu­tio­nal cli­ents. His main pro­ject sin­ce 2011 has been "Ide­as Dai­ly", a dai­ly mar­kets news­let­ter for Com­merz­bank in Germany.

Rein­hard Scholl has been working in the finan­cial mar­kets for over 20 years. His aca­de­mic back­ground as a com­pu­ter sci­en­tist was a good start­ing point for his work in the field of tech­ni­cal ana­ly­sis.  As an ana­lyst and mar­kets and finan­ce com­men­ta­tor, Rein­hard works main­ly in part­ner­ship with Bör­s­eGo AG, Munich, which deve­lo­ps lea­ding edge finan­cial soft­ware, owns a prime web­site for tra­ding and inves­t­ing and is a major ser­vice pro­vi­der for banks.

Win­fried Kro­nen­berg is the CEO of KRONENBERG invest GmbH and advi­ses fund mana­gers, asset mana­gers and pri­va­te cli­ents in port­fo­lio stra­te­gies and tra­ding techniques.