IFTA: Some Uses of Market Geometry

Pre­sen­ter: Vic­tor Hugo, Direc­tor, Hugo Capi­tal; Pre­si­dent, Tech­ni­cal Ana­lysts’ Socie­ty of Sou­thern Afri­ca (TASSA), South Africa

Every tech­ni­ci­an has been start­led at -or in awe of the sym­me­try of pri­ce action and the rela­ti­onship of pri­ce action to time. The­re seems to be struc­tu­re and har­mo­nics invol­ved, rela­ti­ve to ran­ges, rela­ti­ve to gra­di­ents and rela­ti­ve to time. In this web­i­nar, we will look at some of that sym­me­try and sug­gest ways to use it. A ques­ti­on is whe­ther sym­me­try goes fur­ther, to geometry.

Para­phra­sed from various sources, geo­me­try may be descri­bed as any spe­ci­fic sys­tem that deals with the mea­su­re­ment and rela­ti­onships of points, lines and figu­res in space, from their defi­ning con­di­ti­ons, by means of assu­med pro­per­ties of space.

Can assump­ti­ons be made on time and the spaces mea­su­red by pri­ce? W.D Gann sug­gested that some assump­ti­ons are mea­sura­ble and valid, more often than not. He used them suc­cessful­ly. Vic­tor Hugo shall demons­tra­te how he wrest­les with some­ti­mes par­ti­al­ly unders­tood con­cepts, to pro­ject key points, then act at key points. What assump­ti­ons can be made at the­se points to trade? What can hap­pen bet­ween them? He does not have all the ans­wers and he is not a W.D. Gann expert. Yet his methods and others who have taken his work fur­ther, still inspi­re ongo­ing research.

The web­i­nar will be an attempt to distil a set of sim­pli­fied tools and how I use them. I do not use maths, just some arith­me­tic with basic TA, to mea­su­re time, trends, colour coded ran­ges, risk/reward, tar­gets and triggers.