IFTA: Traders' Mental Blind Spots

How Hidden Flaws in Your Decision-Making Affect Your Trading

About the Presentation
Do you ever won­der why a per­fect­ly good trade set­up fai­led or how you thought a trade couldn't work, but did? All trad­ers have blind spots in their thin­king that seem cor­rect at the time, but turn out to be woeful­ly fla­wed. Psy­cho­lo­gists call them cogni­ti­ve bia­ses and heu­ristics. The­se crea­te not only poor judgments but tra­ding los­ses, and trad­ers don't even rea­li­ze they are making detri­men­tal choices. In this pre­sen­ta­ti­on, Dr. Gary Day­ton, trader, psy­cho­lo­gist and aut­hor of Trade Mindful­ly, will teach you some of the com­mon men­tal blind spots and how to address them for bet­ter tra­ding performance.

About the Presenter
Dr. Gary Day­ton is a tra­ding psy­cho­lo­gist, trader, aut­hor, and foun­der of TradingPsychologyEdge.com. His new book,Trade Mindful­ly, details
sta­te-of-the-art men­tal skills for high level trading/investing per­for­mance. He helps trad­ers and inves­tors deve­lop the neces­sa­ry men­tal skills and also tea­ches trad­ers how to trade based on pri­ce and volu­me alo­ne through his Deep Prac­ti­ce Pro­gram in which trad­ers con­front tra­ding situa­tions and men­tal chal­lenges for deep, exten­si­ve learning.

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