IFTA: Using Relative Strength to Capture Mega Trends

Rela­ti­ve strength is a powerful tech­ni­cal tool that helps us cap­tu­re trends very ear­ly in its for­ma­ti­on. In this pre­sen­ta­ti­on, Gau­tam will pre­sent the basic con­cepts of this stu­dy, and after a buil­ding a foun­da­ti­on, will explain in detail how the tool can be used to cap­tu­re mega trends across asset clas­ses. A lot of back-tes­ted examp­les will be pre­sen­ted to help the audi­ence grasp the con­cept in detail. Some cur­rent live charts using the same stu­dy will also be pre­sen­ted.


Mr. Gau­tam Shah is the foun­der and chief stra­te­gist at Gol­di­locks Pre­mi­um Rese­arch. Pri­or to ven­tu­ring out on his own, he was the direc­tor and chief tech­ni­cal ana­lyst at one of India’s lar­gest finan­cial ser­vices firms for over 15 years. He holds mul­ti­ple qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons in the field of rese­arch, name­ly CMT, CFTe, and MSTA with Distinc­tion. He was award­ed India’s best tech­ni­cal ana­lyst for equi­ties by the lea­ding Indi­an busi­ness chan­nel, Zee Busi­ness. Mr. Shah is a popu­lar face on the visu­al media, having done over 500 inter­views with busi­ness chan­nels such as CNBC, ET Now, and Zee Busi­ness. He has been a key­note spea­k­er at various events in the coun­try and abroad. Recent­ly, he and his firm were reco­gni­zed at the Tech­ni­cal Ana­lyst Awards announ­ced in Lon­don. They were adjud­ged win­ners in three cate­go­ries: Tech­ni­cal Ana­lyst Of The Year, Best Emer­ging Mar­kets Rese­arch, and Best Spe­cia­list Research.

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