IFTA2020: Active versus Passive Indexing

John Bol­lin­ger is the pre­si­dent and foun­der of Bol­lin­ger Capi­tal Manage­ment. He per­so­nal­ly governs all invest­ment decis­i­ons for Bol­lin­ger Capi­tal Manage­ment clients.

John Bol­lin­ger is a Char­te­red Finan­cial Ana­lyst (CFA) and a Char­te­red Mar­ket Tech­ni­ci­an (CMT). He is known to the public for his many years of mar­ket ana­ly­sis and com­men­ta­ry on tele­vi­si­on — first on Finan­cial News Net­work, whe­re he was the Chief Mar­ket Ana­lyst — and sub­se­quent­ly on CNBC.

John Bol­lin­ger is also well known to pro­fes­sio­nal inves­tors. An avid rese­ar­cher, he has deve­lo­ped a num­ber of wide­ly used invest­ment tools and ana­ly­ti­cal techniques.

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