IFTA2020: Building a money printing machine with AI

Raul Gla­van is lea­ding the 2020 World Cup Cham­pi­on­ship of Forex Tra­ding®. He is also the pri­ze win­ner of the mul­ti­na­tio­nal tra­ding com­pe­ti­ti­on “Iron Trader 2011” and mas­te­red the chall­enge by being the best trader in the com­mu­ni­ty con­test com­pe­ting against more than 2,500 par­ti­ci­pan­ts. The result was a return of 495% in a tra­ding peri­od of two months. In addi­ti­on, he won the final con­test in live tra­ding at the Frank­furt Stock Exch­an­ge. He was also for a long time mana­ging the best per­forming wiki­fo­lio out of more than 3,500 wiki­fo­li­os at the new social inves­t­ing plat­form wikifolio.com with a total return of +610,86% high water­mark in 2013 sin­ce inception.

At a very young age, Raul foun­ded his first ban­king con­sul­ting firm in Ger­ma­ny with a focus on digi­tiza­ti­on in bro­kera­ge and tra­ding. His spe­cia­liza­ti­on lays in sen­ti­ment ana­ly­sis, whe­re his skill com­bi­nes his own indi­ca­tors and sen­ti­ment ana­ly­sis tools to trade both on long and short term. Using various and high­ly inno­va­ti­ve tech­ni­ques com­bi­ned with arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence which have not been published so far, he takes advan­ta­ge of the oppor­tu­ni­ties that may arise.

Raul Gla­van holds a bache­lor degree in Busi­ness Admi­nis­tra­ti­on with spe­cia­liza­ti­on in infor­ma­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy and a mas­ter degree in Finan­ce. Over­all he has work expe­ri­ence with mul­ti­ple banks, abso­lu­te return funds, hedge funds, fund start-ups, a pen­si­on fund and a reinsu­rance com­pa­ny.
In 2017 Mr. Gla­van was also invi­ted to Bos­ton (USA) as rising star invest­ment mana­ger glo­bal­ly through one of the world big­gest asset manage­ment com­pa­nies in coope­ra­ti­on with the Har­vard Uni­ver­si­ty and the MIT (Mas­sa­chu­setts Insti­tu­te of Technology).

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