Raul Glavan is leading the 2020 World Cup Championship of Forex Trading®. He is also the prize winner of the multinational trading competition “Iron Trader 2011” and mastered the challenge by being the best trader in the community contest competing against more than 2,500 participants. The result was a return of 495% in a trading period of two months. In addition, he won the final contest in live trading at the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. He was also for a long time managing the best performing wikifolio out of more than 3,500 wikifolios at the new social investing platform wikifolio.com with a total return of +610,86% high watermark in 2013 since inception.
At a very young age, Raul founded his first banking consulting firm in Germany with a focus on digitization in brokerage and trading. His specialization lays in sentiment analysis, where his skill combines his own indicators and sentiment analysis tools to trade both on long and short term. Using various and highly innovative techniques combined with artificial intelligence which have not been published so far, he takes advantage of the opportunities that may arise.
Raul Glavan holds a bachelor degree in Business Administration with specialization in information technology and a master degree in Finance. Overall he has work experience with multiple banks, absolute return funds, hedge funds, fund start-ups, a pension fund and a reinsurance company.
In 2017 Mr. Glavan was also invited to Boston (USA) as rising star investment manager globally through one of the world biggest asset management companies in cooperation with the Harvard University and the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).
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