IFTA2020: Elliott Waves - Bringing the Theory into the Daily Trading

Many chart tech­ni­ci­ans gave up lear­ning and app­ly­ing the Elliott Waves as too many ways of coun­ting dro­ve the trader mad and the accounts to zero. Howe­ver, the few who con­ti­nue fight­ing through the theo­ry often suf­fer while app­ly­ing and giving up finally.

Thus, the Elliott Waves often have a repu­ta­ti­on – at best – of being a nice theo­ry but not appli­ca­ble for suc­cessful tra­ding. That is sad as this tech­ni­que gives so much more than just the next mar­ket direc­tion. The Elliott Waves also pro­vi­de some valuable ide­as about the pro­ba­bi­li­ties what is hap­pe­ning next and thus a good base for cal­cu­la­ting the risks.

Rüdi­ger Born is mana­ging direc­tor of BORN Trad­ers and also foun­der and head of tra­ding of BORN STAHLBERG & PARTNER, his asset mana­ging enter­pri­se in Switz­er­land. Sin­ce ear­ly in the 90s he is an acti­ve trader at the inter­na­tio­nal finan­cial mar­kets. Stock tra­ding is part of his dai­ly tra­ding busi­ness in the same way as tra­ding cur­ren­ci­es, futures and opti­ons. Addi­tio­nal­ly to the clas­si­cal tra­ding instru­ments in the mean­ti­me CFDs are also in his dai­ly focus.

Rüdi­ger Born is tra­ding the waves for 20 years, adding some useful tools that help trad­ers in their dai­ly tra­ding rou­ti­ne to find easy ways to trade the Elliott Waves. His tech­ni­que allows trad­ers to indi­vi­dua­li­ze the tra­ding approach to their per­so­nal needs from “quick and dir­ty” just play­ing the pro­ba­bi­li­ty game to the hard­core testi­fi­ca­ti­on of the pat­tern for the num­ber-crun­ching geeks.

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