IFTA2020: How to Catch the Big Swings with One Simple Strategy

Wie­land Arlt focu­ses on three cri­te­ria for his tra­ding set­ups: a high pro­ba­bi­li­ty of occur­rence, a long way to the tar­ge­ted goal and a clear mes­sa­ge if the mar­ket has chan­ged its mind. The­se cri­te­ria are com­bi­ned in the expan­der stra­tegy presented.

Learn why this one simp­le stra­tegy is sui­ta­ble for all mar­ket pha­ses, get in touch with the ingre­di­ents of this stra­tegy and get to know how you can imple­ment that stra­tegy into your tra­ding no mat­ter if you are tra­ding intra­day or in the long term.

Wie­land Arlt is a trader, tra­ding coach and trai­ner. He is aut­hor of the best­sel­ling books “Risk and Money Manage­ment – Sim­pli­fied (Ger­man)”, “Risk and Money Manage­ment for Day and Swing Tra­ding (Eng­lish)“ and “55 Reasons to beco­me a Trader (Ger­man)” as well as of num­e­rous artic­les in lea­ding finan­cial maga­zi­nes. For years he is a sought-after spea­k­er and expert at trader fairs.

As a trader, coach and trai­ner, it is important to him to con­vey tra­ding approa­ches that are easy to under­stand and the­r­e­fo­re also easy to implement.

His declared goal in trader coa­ching and trai­ning is to sup­port trad­ers in achie­ving their finan­cial goals in a self-deter­mi­ned way and to trade suc­cessful­ly on the finan­cial mar­kets in the long term.

Wie­land Arlt holds a degree in eco­no­mics and is mem­ber on the board of direc­tors of the IFTA and as well of the Ver­ei­ni­gung Tech­ni­scher Ana­lys­ten Deutsch­lands www.vtad.de.

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