IFTA2020: Sequence of volume spread analysis - A bar counting method of potential reversal

Cur­rent VSA method still rela­te to the prin­ci­ples of : pri­ce & volu­me, cau­se & effect, effort & result. Deve­lo­ped on Wyckoff’s work, sup­p­ly & demand final­ly dri­ve the mar­ket with any reasons include fun­da­men­tal, tech­ni­cal and other signals. Clas­si­cal tech­ni­cal ana­ly­sis does not explain enough the rela­ti­on bet­ween volu­me and bar direc­tion, which is important part of beha­vi­or finan­ce. We try to figu­re out the balan­ce bet­ween sup­p­ly and demand in order to track the move of smart money. Dif­fe­rent from TD sequen­ti­al, the volu­me sequence based on the rela­ti­ve chan­ge of bar spread and volu­me. Most rever­sals always come up with exhaus­ti­on of pre­vious trend, volu­me will never lie as it is an uni­que true infor­ma­ti­on from the mar­ket, how it con­firm exhaus­ti­on? We will talk about a basic set­up and bar coun­ting method in this issue.

Yoan owned mas­ter degree of Finan­ce in HEC Paris, he star­ted his care­er as equi­ty trader in Chi­ca­go. In 2011, He obtai­ned CFTe and work­ed as ana­lyst in top Euro­pean insti­tu­ti­ons. After tur­ning back to Chi­na, Yoan has work­ed in stra­tegy deve­lo­p­ment and ser­ved on lea­ding pri­va­te equi­ties and hedge funds in Shang­hai sin­ce 2016. His rese­arch is focu­sed on beha­vi­or finan­ce and published on main­stream media.

As a board mem­ber of FTAA, Yoan is one of the main ins­truc­tor in Tech­ni­cal Ana­ly­sis cour­ses in Chi­na Main­land orga­ni­zed by FTAA for the IFTA Cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on. He is also one of the most app­re­cia­ted finan­cial trai­ner in Chi­na, he has taught in a few hundred semi­nars to both retails and pro­fes­sio­nals in the past 4 years.

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