IFTA2020: Successfully trading Options in volatile markets

In his pre­sen­ta­ti­on Dr. Gre­gor Bau­er will in short explain the Basics of Opti­ons-Tra­ding. He will espe­ci­al­ly focus on how the impli­ed vola­ti­li­ty influen­ces opti­on-pri­cing. He will give examp­les of how to avo­id com­mon pit­falls when tra­ding bot­tom and top rever­sals by app­ly­ing Long Call- and Long Put- Strategies.

Dr. Gre­gor Bau­er has been working inten­si­ve­ly on the capi­tal mar­kets for around 20 years and works as an inde­pen­dent port­fo­lio mana­ger for pri­va­te cli­ents in Wies­ba­den. He has writ­ten two books on “Tech­ni­cal Ana­ly­sis and Tra­ding”, regu­lar­ly publishes artic­les in various well-known finan­cial publi­ca­ti­ons, holds semi­nars and work­shops on “Tech­ni­cal Ana­ly­sis” and is a fre­quent spea­k­er and inter­view guest at inves­tor shows and on TV. He is par­ti­cu­lar­ly inte­res­ted in cand­le chart tech­no­lo­gy and beha­vi­oral finance.

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