IFTA2020: System Thinking -The Holy Grail to dealing with a Pandemic or any other crisis

The mar­kets are a pro­cess not a think.   When you turn it into a thing and give it cha­rac­te­ristics and repre­sent it a cer­tain way, you need to rea­li­ze that that repre­sen­ta­ti­on is made up.  It’ repres­ents your beliefs.   Thus, you must trade useful beliefs – mea­ning that have value (i.e., make you money) in a wide con­text and will work for a lot of peo­p­le.    And here its important to know that beliefs are not true, but we can call them facts if they work in a wide enough context.

The­re are mul­ti­ple fac­tors that influence the out­co­me of a trade.   And this is what sys­tems thin­king it about – it’s not just your tra­ding sys­tem, but the­re are also about 15 total sys­tems that we’ve iden­ti­fied that could impact your trading.

And the fact that the most important sys­tem in this pan­de­mic is the You fac­tor.  If you under­stand how to mas­ter that fac­tor, then you have a good chan­ce of doing a lot more than surviving.

Dr. Tharp offers uni­que lear­ning stra­te­gies, and his tech­ni­ques for pro­du­cing gre­at trad­ers are some of the most effec­ti­ve in the field.

Over the years, Dr. Tharp has hel­ped peo­p­le over­co­me pro­blems in are­as of sys­tem deve­lo­p­ment and tra­ding psy­cho­lo­gy, and suc­cess rela­ted issues such as self-sabo­ta­ge. He is the foun­der and pre­si­dent of the Van Tharp Insti­tu­te, dedi­ca­ted to offe­ring high-qua­li­ty edu­ca­tio­nal pro­ducts and ser­vices for trad­ers and inves­tors around the globe.

While Dr. Tharp’s exper­ti­se is in the area of finan­ce, his mis­si­on is to touch peo­p­le in a way that chan­ges them for the bet­ter. In his books, cour­ses, and work­shops, he uses the finan­cial meta­phor to do so.

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