IFTA2020: Trade what you see, not what you believe

Mar­ket per­for­mance has been the exact oppo­si­te of what the eco­no­mic fun­da­men­tals sug­gest should be the case. The hig­hest unem­ploy­ment sin­ce the Depres­si­on along with a mas­si­ve COVID infec­tion rate and lock­downs has crea­ted the fas­test mar­ket reco­very every seen. How do we trade or invest in this envi­ron­ment? What ana­ly­sis methods work­ed, and which methods fai­led? What did we  real­ly learn  about the rela­ti­onship bet­ween ana­ly­sis and trading?

Gup­py will exami­ne methods that sur­vi­ved the COVID dis­rup­ti­on and tho­se which  may pro­tect against snap­back con­di­ti­ons as mar­kets and eco­no­mic move back into sync.

Daryl Gup­py has pro­vi­ded tra­ding and invest­ment ana­ly­sis of finan­cial  mar­kets for more than 25 years. His immense­ly popu­lar 1996 book SHARE TRADING laid the ground­work for tech­ni­cal tra­ding in Aus­tra­lia.   He only trades his own capi­tal. He has a well-estab­lished public record of suc­cessful trade calls for tra­ding local and glo­bal  equi­ty, com­mo­di­ty and FX mar­kets. He has uni­que expe­ri­ence in tra­ding both Wes­tern and main­land Chi­ne­se mar­kets. He is reco­g­nis­ed as an inter­na­tio­nal invest­ment expert.   Gup­py has nine books published inter­na­tio­nal­ly by John Wiley. His new book is due for publi­ca­ti­on in late 2020.

He has deve­lo­ped seve­ral tech­ni­cal indi­ca­tors which are included in indus­try stan­dard soft­ware such as DZH Inter­na­tio­nal, Metastock and Omni­t­rader as well as many other char­ting pro­grams. He deve­lo­ped the ANTSSYS tra­ding indi­ca­tors for com­mo­di­ty, index and cur­ren­cy mar­kets.  Glo­bal­ly many trad­ers use the tech­ni­cal indi­ca­tors deve­lo­ped by Gup­py to trade equi­ties and other mar­kets. For 20 years Gup­py has been a regu­lar host anchor on CNBC Asia Squawk­box whe­re he is known as “The Chart­man”.   Daryl is a regu­lar con­tri­bu­tor and colum­nist for finan­cial maga­zi­nes and media in Sin­ga­po­re, Malay­sia, Chi­na, Aus­tra­lia and the US.   His weekly ana­ly­sis and tra­ding news­let­ter has been in con­ti­nuous publi­ca­ti­on for 25 years.

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