IFTA: Trading Beyond the Matrix: An Interview with Van Tharp

About Dr. Van K. Tharp

Dr. Tharp is the aut­hor of Tra­ding Bey­ond the Matrix: The Red Pill For Trad­ers, published by Wiley & Sons, in addi­ti­on to four acclai­med books published by McGraw Hill: Super Trader, Trade Your Way to Finan­cial Free­dom, the New York Times Best­sel­ler, Safe Stra­te­gies for Finan­cial Free­dom, and Finan­cial Free­dom Through Elec­tro­nic Day Trading.

Dr. Tharp is the only tra­ding coach fea­tured in Jack Schwager’s best-sel­ling book, The Mar­ket Wizard’s: Inter­views with Gre­at Traders.

Dr. Tharp has been fea­tured in For­bes, Barron’s Mar­ket Week, Tech­ni­cal Ana­ly­sis of Stocks and Com­mo­di­ties, Inves­tors Busi­ness Dai­ly and Futures and Opti­ons World, and Trader’s Jour­nal, just to name a few.

Dr. Tharp has coll­ec­ted over 5,000 suc­cessful tra­ding pro­files by stu­dy­ing and rese­ar­ching indi­vi­du­al trad­ers and inves­tors, inclu­ding many of the top trad­ers and inves­tors in the world. From the­se stu­dies he deve­lo­ped a model for suc­cessful tra­ding and inves­t­ing that other peo­p­le can adopt and learn. He has deve­lo­ped a five-volu­me Peak Per­for­mance Home Stu­dy Cour­se, that tea­ches the results of this 10-year study.

He also deve­lo­ped the Invest­ment Psy­cho­lo­gy Inven­to­ry Pro­fi­le to help peo­p­le bet­ter under­stand their strengths and chal­lenges in rela­ti­on to tra­ding or investing.

He has deve­lo­ped a cour­se, “How to Deve­lop a Win­ning Tra­ding Sys­tem That Fits You”, and writ­ten and published The Defi­ni­ti­ve Gui­de to Posi­ti­on Sizing™.

He published the Mar­ket Mas­tery news­let­ter for over 10 years and now publishes a weekly e-news­let­ter, Tharp’s Thoughts. Dr. Tharp wan­ted to get the vital infor­ma­ti­on that trad­ers nee­ded to as many peo­p­le as pos­si­ble; the­r­e­fo­re, he deci­ded to offer his news­let­ter at no charge.

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