IFTA: How You Can Benefit from Little Known Seasonal and Cyclical Patterns

Pre­sen­ter: Dimi­t­ri Speck, Fund Mana­ger, Finan­cial Ana­lyst and Tra­ding Sys­tems Deve­lo­per, Sea­so­nax, Ger­ma­ny


Annu­al sea­so­na­li­ty and cycles of other length can be a valuable tool for impro­ving your tra­ding and inves­t­ing results. Recur­ring events such as tax dead­lines, holi­days, futures con­tract expi­ra­ti­ons and com­pa­ny-spe­ci­fic events influence the pri­ces of com­mo­di­ties, indi­ces and indi­vi­du­al stocks. In his pre­sen­ta­ti­on, Dimi­t­ri Speck will show that sea­so­na­li­ty undoub­ted­ly exists in many instru­ments and how you can imple­ment it in your exis­ting tra­ding approaches.


Dimi­t­ri Speck is a fund mana­ger, finan­cial ana­lyst and tra­ding sys­tem deve­lo­per. He wri­tes one of the big­gest stock mar­ket let­ters in Ger­ma­ny and aut­ho­red the book “The Gold Car­tel”. In 2013 he won the Hedge Fund Journal’s award for the best Euro­pean com­mo­di­ty fund, in 2018 the Scope Inno­va­tions Award for his sea­so­nal invest­ment stra­tegy. Speck is publisher of the web­site www.app.seasonax.com, whe­re inte­res­ted inves­tors can con­duct sea­so­nal stu­dies on more than 20,000 instruments.