IFTA: Using Stops: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Trading System Development - Indicator-Based

About the Pre­sen­ta­ti­on
Ever­yo­ne says "use stops" but very few peo­p­le know how the stops chan­ge the trade results. This will be a quan­ti­ta­ti­ve look at how stops affect the results of a stock brea­kout stra­tegy with a mul­ti-month hold. We will be inves­ti­ga­ting maxi­mum stop loss, trai­ling stops, pro­fit tar­gets, time stops and con­tin­ued per­for­mance stops.
About the Pre­sen­ter
Cesar has been tra­ding stocks sin­ce the mid 1990s. He spent nine years as a pro­fes­sio­nal mar­ket rese­ar­cher for Con­nors Rese­arch and TradingMarkets.com .

Cesar has been at the fore­front of stock mar­ket rese­arch, having deve­lo­ped over 100  suc­cessful tra­ding stra­te­gies that are used by inves­tors and fund mana­gers in the United Sta­tes and inter­na­tio­nal­ly. He was the rese­ar­cher and co-aut­hor of five tra­ding books. Cesar crea­ted the Con­norsRSI indi­ca­tor. Curr­ent­ly, Cesar runs the quant blog, Alva­rez Quant Tra­ding, along with Ami­Bro­ker con­sul­ting, Ami­Bro­ker edu­ca­ti­on and tra­ding signals service.

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