Cross asset confirmations are like a jigsaw puzzle. All pieces need to fit together. Yet, these are a moving targets and the process needs regular monitoring. The cross asset environment it delivers and the divergences it highlights are so many confirmations that we believe widely improve Investment and Trading decisions.
In this presentation, we will explain the basic tenets of our proprietary MJT oscillator methodology ( It aims to capture the cyclical rhythm of any instrument over any frequency to identify current, and anticipate future, market inflection points (for example, intermediate or important tops or bottoms, as well as Buy the Dips or Sell the rebounds opportunities). It is this prospective timing we use to coordinate the cross asset environment we expect over the next few quarters, months or weeks. We will show how we first perform top-down Intermarket Analysis on key drivers (such as main equity indexes, main currencies, main benchmark bond yields, gold, copper, oil and related ratios), and then confirm our conclusions bottom up with the use of Cyclical Analogs. We will then show how we map out our whole investment universe vs this cross asset framework. We will conclude the presentation using our retail trend analysis platform, where users can upload market mosaics comprising up to 16 streaming graphs from all asset classes, for intraday and intrahour cross asset monitoring.
Jean-François Owczarczak is the CEO and Chief Investment Officer of Management Joint Trust SA, a company founded in 1969 in Geneva Switzerland, which provides institutional market advisory services based on proprietary algorithms. The methodology uses Timing oscillators, Trend analysis and Price Targets calculations to monitor risk/reward and cyclicity as well as project likely market scenarios over time frames ranging from longer term charts to intrahour. Coverage includes circa 5’000 instruments over all asset classes (stocks, indexes, ETFs, commodities, bond indexes and interest rates).
Jean-François started his career in investment banking in 1998 (Paribas, then Deutsche Bank in London), joined MJT in 2003, was awarded the International Federation of Technical Analysts’ Bronwen Wood Memorial Award in 2013 (for the best CFTe certification diploma paper in the world during 2012) and also holds the FRM Financial Risk Manager certification delivered by US GARP. MJT’s research products and platforms were nominated 13 times since 2015 as Finalist in various categories of “the technical analyst awards”, and The Capital Observer (a joint-venture monthly cross assets research publication co-edited with a Diapason Currencies & Commodities, a London based macro research firm) won the “Best Specialist Research” category in 2018.
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