
Die mit 🔐 gekenn­zeich­ne­ten Vide­os Mit­glie­dern des VTAD vorbehalten.

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Titel Refe­rent Datum
IFTA: Defi­ning and Mana­ging Risk in Tra­ding Sys­tem Deve­lo­p­ment and … Dr. Howard Bandy Juli 2015🔐
IFTA: Finan­cial Car­to­gra­phy: Inter­con­nec­tions in Finan­cial Markets Dr. Kim­mo Soramäki Feb. 2016
IFTA: High Pro­ba­bi­li­ty Day Trading Lee Sand­ford März 2017🔐
IFTA: How to Trade High Vola­ti­li­ty Pro­ducts with Success Jea­nette Schwarz Young Aug. 2014
IFTA: How You Can Bene­fit from Litt­le Known Sea­so­nal and Cycli­cal Patterns Dimi­t­ri Speck Okt. 2019
IFTA: Iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of High Pro­ba­bi­li­ty Tar­get Zones Andrew J.D. Long Juni 2014
IFTA: Impro­ve Your Tra­ding with Fibo­nac­ci Time Projections Vik­tor Pershikov Nov. 2014
IFTA: Inte­gra­ting Elliott Wave Ana­ly­sis Into Your Trading Jef­frey Kennedy Juni 2018🔐
IFTA: Intro­duc­tion to Swing Trading Avra­mis Despotis Feb. 2019🔐
IFTA: Mar­ket Pro­fi­le - Recent Advance­ments, and Applications … Cli­ve Lambert März 2016🔐
IFTA: Mar­kets Seen Through the Lens of Tech­ni­cal Analysis R.Fayad, W.Kronenberg, R.Scholl Feb. 2015
IFTA: Points and Line Chart - A New Type of Chart to Get Strong and Clear Signal Moha­med Ashraf Okt. 2014
IFTA: See­king Alpha in a VUCA World Ron Wil­liam Juni 2020🔐
IFTA: So What’s Your Trou­ble With Options? Paul McLa­ren Juni 2019🔐
IFTA: Social Media in Tech­ni­cal Analysis Alex Nea­le Nov. 2014
IFTA: Some Uses of Mar­ket Geometry Vic­tor Hugo Mai 2014
IFTA: Sys­te­ma­tic Approach to Tra­ding: A Step-By-Step Guide Tre­vor Neil Dez. 2017🔐
IFTA: The Case for 2021 Harnes­sing Super Long Term Cycles to Gain a Com­pe­ti­ti­ve Advantage Andrew Pan­cho­li Juni 2021🔐
IFTA: The Rising Star Ichi­mo­ku Strategy San­kar Sharma Jan. 2021🔐
IFTA: Trad­ers' Men­tal Blind Spots Dr. Gary Dayton März 2016🔐
IFTA: Tra­ding Bey­ond the Matrix: An Inter­view with Van Tharp Dr. Van K. Tharp, R. William Aug. 2018🔐
IFTA: Tra­ding Sys­tem Deve­lo­p­ment - Indicator-Based Dr. Howard Bandy Aug. 2015
IFTA: Using Rela­ti­ve Strength to Cap­tu­re Mega Trends Gau­tam Shah Juni 2020🔐
IFTA: Using Stops: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Cesar Alva­rez Feb. 2016🔐
IFTA: Volu­me at Pri­ce: Not all pri­ces are equal! Paul McLa­ren Juni 2017🔐
IFTA:Elliott Wave Analysis–As Appli­ed to For­eign Exch­an­ge Markets Kevin Bull Apr. 2021🔐
IFTA2020: A Tre­asu­ry of Wall Street Wis­dom - The Wis­dom of past Mas­ter Mar­ket Tech­ni­ci­ans appli­ed to the future Lin­da Raschke Okt. 2020🔐
IFTA2020: Acti­ve ver­sus Pas­si­ve Indexing John Bol­lin­ger Okt. 2020🔐
IFTA2020: Back-Test­ing Rela­ti­ve Per­for­mance and Eva­lua­ting Tech­ni­cal ver­sus Macroe­co­no­mic and Cor­po­ra­te Research Tim McCull­ough Okt. 2020🔐
IFTA2020: Bet­ter inves­t­ing using mar­ket effects Roland Jegen Okt. 2020🔐
IFTA2020: Buil­ding a money prin­ting machi­ne with AI Raul Gla­van Okt. 2020🔐
IFTA2020: Do market’s face a poten­ti­al “Min­sky” moment collapse? Ron Wil­liam Okt. 2020🔐
IFTA2020: Elliott Waves - Brin­ging the Theo­ry into the Dai­ly Trading Rüdi­ger Born Okt. 2020🔐
IFTA2020: How to Build Invest­ment Stra­te­gies with AI and Machi­ne Learning Dr. Kei Nakagawa Okt. 2020🔐
IFTA2020: How to Catch the Big Swings with One Simp­le Strategy Wie­land Arlt Okt. 2020🔐
IFTA2020: How to pro­fit $30,000 from Gold tra­ding with Sun Capri­corn Cycle and 1.618 Diver­gence Fibonacci Gema Goey­ar­di Okt. 2020🔐
IFTA2020: Incor­po­ra­ting Wyck­off Method Ana­ly­sis into Port­fo­lio Construction Roman Bogo­ma­zov Okt. 2020🔐
IFTA2020: Momen­tum Invest­ment using ETFs Dr. Bruce Vanstone Okt. 2020🔐
IFTA2020: Power Hour Team by AATI – Smart tra­ding with tech­ni­cal analysis AATI Team Okt. 2020🔐
IFTA2020: Sequence of volu­me spread ana­ly­sis - A bar coun­ting method of poten­ti­al reversal Yoan ZHANG Okt. 2020🔐
IFTA2020: Shall we focus on Bit­co­in in an Uncer­tain and Unsta­ble World Environment ? Dr. Hiwon Yoon Okt. 2020🔐
IFTA2020: Spot mar­ket trends with Hei­kin Ashi Ste­fa­no Gianti Okt. 2020🔐
IFTA2020: Suc­cessful­ly tra­ding Opti­ons in vola­ti­le markets Dr. Gre­gor Bauer Okt. 2020🔐
IFTA2020: Sys­tem Thin­king -The Holy Grail to deal­ing with a Pan­de­mic or any other crisis Dr. Van K. Tharp Okt. 2020🔐
IFTA2020: The end of alpha - Risk Fac­tors Theo­ry revisited Thier­ry Bechu Okt. 2020🔐
IFTA2020: The Power of Cross Asset confirmations Jean-Fran­çois Owczarczak Okt. 2020🔐
IFTA2020: The Super­cy­cle Top and Deflation Mur­ray Gunn Okt. 2020🔐
IFTA2020: Time-series ana­ly­sis of Japa­ne­se mutu­al fund per­for­mance: Con­side­ra­ti­ons on asset flow and return Koki Noza­wa Okt. 2020🔐
IFTA2020: Trade what you see, not what you believe Daryl Gup­py Okt. 2020🔐
IFTA2020: Using Vola­ti­li­ty to Deter­mi­ne the Trend of Secu­ri­ties and Markets Mathew Ver­douw Okt. 2020🔐
IFTA2020:What makes for World Cham­pi­on Traders? Lar­ry Williams Okt. 2020🔐
IFTA2021: Bol­lin­ger Bands 2021 John Bol­lin­ger Nov. 2021🔐
IFTA2021: Break the Cycle of Greed and Fear Wie­land Arlt Nov. 2021🔐
IFTA2021: Busi­ness Cycle Ana­ly­sis and the Wyck­off Method Bruce Faser Nov. 2021🔐
IFTA2021: Com­bi­ning Tech­ni­cal and Macro Ana­ly­sis with Opti­ons Intelligence Scott Full­man Nov. 2021🔐
IFTA2021: Declut­ter the Trade Toolbox Daryl Gup­py Nov. 2021🔐
IFTA2021: Eddie's Crayons Eddie Tof­pik Nov. 2021🔐
IFTA2021: How a Trader Used Wel­les Wilder's Tools Lin­da Raschke Nov. 2021🔐
IFTA2021: Key­note Tony Dwy­er Nov. 2021🔐
IFTA2021: Pro­vi­ding Tac­ti­cal Asset Allo­ca­ti­on Advice Robert Schott Nov. 2021🔐
IFTA2021: Regres­si­on Analysis Shin­ji Okada Nov. 2021🔐

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